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Special People
The pictures in the gallery below are of some of the people who have made St. Paul's so special, through the decades.
(Click on any picture to start slide show)

Mr. Becker

Gert Kellner

Don Kroohs

Ken Landers

Herb McMichael72

Shawn McMichael Jan261965-Juky212016 edit72

Noreen Reilly

Joan and Austin Howe

Carolyn Contois

Peg Foss

Wayne Paul

Mary and Henry Baas

Judy Townsend

Ruth Carlson

Roy and Eda Steward, Sr.

Jannah Ortstadt

Paul Draiss

Ron Plambeck

Barbara Frost

George Goldstein

Peg Gibson

Giny von der Lieth

Gary Kettelle

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