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Ten Reasons to Worship at
St. Paul's Lutheran Church
of Wurtemburg

1) Word and Sacrament.  At St. Paul’s we stress the basics.  This means Word and Sacrament.  In every weekly worship service, you will hear three lectionary scripture readings [we use the Revised Common Lectionary Cycle (a three year Bible reading program!)] and a solid sermon based on one of these lessons [typically, the sermon is based on the weekly Gospel text].  Then, in part two of the Service, you will receive the Sacrament of Holy Communion. 

2) Old and New.  Despite the fact that our Church is more than 250 years old, there is a fresh new spirit in this place.  Come and see!

3) Family and Friends.  When you talk to people who attend St. Paul’s - next to the food - they will tell you that “this place is like family.”  This is true in times of joy and in sorrow.  It is not good for man to be alone, thus God gave us the gift of Christian fellowship in a local Church!

4) Christian Life and Living. Yes, you have been baptized, but you need to attend a local Church so that you can “grow in faith, love, and obedience to the will of God.”  In addition to our regular Worship Services, we offer a strong program of Christian Education for all ages—this includes adults!


5) Dynamic Preaching and Teaching. “Faith comes by hearing, and hearing by the Word of God (Romans 10:17).”


6) Life Purpose and Application.  Learn how the Holy Bible informs and gives meaning and purpose to your life, and leads to “the abundant life.”


7) Opportunity to serve God and your neighbor.  We are not called to be passive Christians.  We are called to serve God in our time and in our place.  St. Paul’s is a very active congregation which provides countless opportunities for you to minister and to serve others. 


8) Life is difficult and faith is the key!  God in His wisdom has provided local churches to bolster our faith and to minister to our needs in this difficult world.  St. Paul’s is your local Church.

9) We are an ELCM Church.  St. Paul’s is a historic Lutheran Church that ten years ago voted to leave the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America (ELCA).  We left for many reasons, but perhaps the most important reason was that we were weary of the endless political controversies and petty denominational squabbles.  We are now members of the centrist Evangelical Lutheran Conference and Ministerium (ELCM).  This is a small branch of Lutheranism which believes in congregational polity and local autonomy. “Centrist” means that we are not legalistic and exclusionist like our “close communion” Lutheran friends on the Missouri and Wisconsin Synod right, and we are certainly not on the Saul Alinsky style Lutheran left!  Some Lutherans prefer to be members of a large corporate-like mega-denomination [modeled after the U.S. Postal System!].  We don’t!  We keep it local, we keep it apolitical, and we keep it simple, i.e., we focus on Jesus Christ! 


10) If you are looking for a church to join or just visiting, come and see!  There are myriad ways you can learn who we are and how we worship.  Please see our calendar of events and contact information.

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Carolyn and Paul

© 2022-25 by St. Paul's Lutheran Church of Wurtemburg. Proudly created with

Gert Kellner
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Richard Becker
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